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The Arabs ‘Betrayed’ Palestinians: Why & How?

Neither the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) nor the Arab League (AL) has played a strong and positive role for the Palestinians during their ongoing crisis! Their inaction has made it easier for the Israeli Defence Forces to carry out genocide in the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023. As expected, the US and its influential Western allies have always backed the Jewish Nation. Surprisingly, not a single influential country in the Islamic World, except Iran, has raised its voice against the Zionist Regime!

The global community has condemned the Israeli atrocities in Gaza. However, the leaders of the Arab Nations have done their job by calling for a ceasefire only! In such a situation, the top generals of five Arab Nations recently met the Israeli Army Chief in the presence of some senior US officials. According to the Middle East Monitor, the five Arab Nations, reportedly, have backstabbed the people of Palestine!

The Middle East Monitor reported that generals of Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt held a meeting with Herzl ‘Herzi’ Halevi, the Chief of the General Staff of the Israel Defence Forces, in Manama in the fourth week of June (2024). During the meeting organised by US Central Command, they mainly discussed regional security cooperation. Reports suggest that US Army General Michael Erik Kurilla also attended the meeting.

Interestingly, neither side issued any statement on this meeting amid the sensitive political climate in the Arab World over the Israel-Hamas War in Gaza. However, political analysts consider the meeting as the Arab World’s betrayal to the Palestinians.

The Middle East Monitor reported that the piece of news about the meeting sparked a storm of criticism in the Arab World. The majority of people in the region have strongly criticised the five Arab Nations for holding talks with the Israeli Army Chief at a time when the innocent Palestinians are experiencing bloodbath. Many consider the meeting as the Arab World’s unequivocal support for the Israeli actions in Gaza and also an attempt to prioritise regional security interests over the plight of the Palestinians!

Sami Amin Al-Arian, a Kuwaiti-born political activist of Palestinian origin and a former Computer Engineering Professor at University of South Florida, has said: “If true, it would be a scandal like no other. It shows the complicity of the US, the Zionist Regime and the US’ five Arab allies in the region.” He added: “According to Walla Israeli News Website, while Israel has been killing, for over 250 days, thousands of Palestinians in its Genocidal War in Gaza, Senior Arab military Generals from Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain have met this week in Bahrain, with the US CentCom Commander, Mike Kurrila, and war criminal Israeli Chief of Staff, Herzi Halevi.

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