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Tag: #schillerinstitute

Gaza Genocide Denounced At ICJ

Urgent Statement issued by Schiller Institute: Gaza Genocide Denounced at the World Court; Now We Must Stop It! The Government of Algeria announced over the weekend that it has requested […]

An Open Letter To UNGA

An Open Letter to Heads of State at the UN General Assembly – You Must Act to Preserve World Peace! The following open letter was drafted by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, a […]

BRICS: ‘Expansion’ Explained!

The BRICS family is all set to grow, as the forum of five major emerging economies (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) announced during its recently held annual conference […]

A Tectonic Shift

It was the perfect metaphor for the rising power of the Global Majority in its unstoppable drive to put an end to 500 years of colonial-style economic looting, backwardness and […]

De-Dollarisation Of World Economy

The de-dollarisation of the world economy was a central theme of the Schiller Institute International Conference, held on April 15-16, 2023. While deals have already been struck among several nations […]

EU’s ‘Global Gateway’ Exposed

EU’s ‘Global Gateway’ exposed as a flop by friendly fire As the Schiller Institute has been claiming from the beginning, the Global Gateway Initiative (GGI) of the European Union (EU), […]

‘New Bretton Woods System Could End War’

Under the striking headline, Schiller Institute Calls for New Bretton Woods To End War, Economic Crisis, one of the leading Indian dailies The Hindu published an excellent article on August […]