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Tag: #health


The World Inequality Lab (WIL) has mentioned in its latest report that economic disparity between rich and poor has broken all previous records in India in the past nine years! […]

Internet Use Disorder: Roots & Remedies!

A study carried out by researchers from the Public Health Foundation of India has revealed that people, who have had scary experiences in childhood, are more prone to become addicted […]

Report Reveals A Bright Light In Dark Times

The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) has been publishing the World Happiness Report every year since 2012. Interestingly, the Scandinavian countries have been securing the top positions in the […]

UN Agencies Cry Out To Stop The Horrors

The situation on the ground in Southwest Asia has dramatically worsened over the past few days. The Israeli forces have escalated their operations, bombing innocent Palestinian children and civilians under […]

On A Mission, Discoveries & The Facts

Scientific research has turned into a competition in the 21st Century world, especially in the fields of arms production and lunar missions. The lunar missions of the US and the […]

How The Brain Adapts To Spaceflight

A recent study has revealed that the brains of cosmonauts get rewired after long-term space missions. According to the study published in ‘Frontiers in Neural Circuits’ magazine in February 2022, […]