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Month: January 2024

India, Iran Discuss Red Sea Crisis

India recently held a bilateral meeting with Iran, ignoring the US’ displeasure in the atmosphere of war in Gaza. Indian External Affairs Minister Dr Subrahmanyam Jaishankar held a long meeting […]

Gaza Genocide Denounced At ICJ

Urgent Statement issued by Schiller Institute: Gaza Genocide Denounced at the World Court; Now We Must Stop It! The Government of Algeria announced over the weekend that it has requested […]

Huge Ancient City Discovered In Amazon

Scientists from France recently discovered an ancient city hidden in the Amazon rainforest. The BBC has reported that a team of scientists used the remote sensing technology to trace the […]

An Expansion That Adds Economic Heft

The membership of BRICS, an intergovernmental organisation comprising of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, has doubled in 2024. During Moscow’s presidency, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the […]

EU Condemns Anti-India Propaganda By Maldives

Since the 2023 Presidential Election in the Maldives, anti-India propaganda has been going on continuously in the archipelagic nation in South Asia, situated in the Indian Ocean. The propaganda started […]

India’s Post-Secular Renaissance

Rediscovering Cultural Identity & ValuesIndia, a land known for its rich tapestry of cultures, religions and philosophies, is undergoing a profound transformation as it sheds the remnants of a secular […]