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Month: September 2023

In The Shadow Of The Swiss Alps…

The archaeologists recently discovered remains of a Roman building complex and ruins of a 2,000-year-old wall in the shadow of the Swiss Alps during an excavation in a gravel mine. […]

How The Brain Adapts To Spaceflight

A recent study has revealed that the brains of cosmonauts get rewired after long-term space missions. According to the study published in ‘Frontiers in Neural Circuits’ magazine in February 2022, […]

Oh God!!!

Many Europeans used to practice Polytheism in the 4th-6th Century, and early Christians called them Pagans. The Greeks, too, used to practice Paganism, a term first used in the 4th […]

Rise Of A New Generation, With An Identity

Supriyo Sen, an independent filmmaker from India, attended the Perm Film Festival in September 2022. In Russia, Sen met Iranian film scholar Leila Hosseini who requested the former to visit […]

A Pivotal Event In World History

At the end of the Second World War, Germany was divided into four zones of occupation under the control of the US, Britain, France and the erstwhile Soviet Union. Berlin, […]

Issues Raised By President Biden

US President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr discussed the importance of secure Human Rights, an Empowered Civil Society and a Free Press in building a strong and prosperous nation during his […]

A Radical Interpretation Of Loneliness

A new pandemic is about to consume human civilisation… Loneliness! Fay Bound Alberti, a British historian and the author of ‘A Biography of Loneliness: The History of an Emotion‘, has […]

A Significant Policy Shift

In what may be seen as a huge blow to Beijing’s plans, Italy has decided to quit China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), popularly known as the new Silk Route. […]

An Open Letter To UNGA

An Open Letter to Heads of State at the UN General Assembly – You Must Act to Preserve World Peace! The following open letter was drafted by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, a […]