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Month: August 2023

Whether To Ban Or Not: A Debate!

Germany is considering banning the Far-Right political outfit, Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). Thomas Haldenwang, the Chief of the Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (the German intelligence agency with the mission to fight […]

‘Occupation Of Alcatraz’, And…

There is nothing new in the dispossession of land of indigenous peoples. As a result of European colonialism, the sons of the soil have been subjected to intolerable oppression in […]

Report: US Wanted Imran Ousted!

Imran Ahmad Khan Niazi, the former Prime Minister of Pakistan, lost power in 2022 because of a secret cable! Imran had made such a claim long ago. Now, an American […]

A Tectonic Shift

It was the perfect metaphor for the rising power of the Global Majority in its unstoppable drive to put an end to 500 years of colonial-style economic looting, backwardness and […]

‘Motherhood’ In A Nation Of Ironies

Many Japanese women born in 2005 are not interested in giving birth. Their decision would certainly create trouble for the island nation in the coming years. Different Japanese media recently […]

‘Choice’ Of Words Enforced

The Communications and Media Commission (CMC), the media regulator in Iraq, recently asked the media houses to use the term sexual deviance, instead of homosexuality! In a statement, the media […]

Rainforest Diplomacy: Cooperation & Contradiction

The Amazon, the world’s largest evergreen rainforest, has been steadily disappearing over the past two decades due to various reasons… from devastating wildfires to continuous deforestation. Representatives of eight Latin […]

The Economic & Diplomatic Fallout!

The Russia-Ukraine War has started changing the diplomatic equations and economic situation across the globe. It is not at all desirable that any such situation should arise in the Indo-Pacific […]