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Month: June 2023

In The Land Of Pharaohs

Since becoming the Prime Minister of India in 2014, Narendra Modi arrived in Egypt for the first time on June 24, 2023 on a two-day State Visit. In Cairo, he […]

The Abraham Accords, And…

The Six-Day War, also called June War or Third Arab-Israeli War or Naksah, had taken place on June 5-10, 1967. Israel’s decisive victory included the capture of the Sinai Peninsula, […]

On ‘Enemy’s Enemy’

Enemy’s enemy is a true friend. Iran has started following this policy as the Islamic Republic is strengthening ties with the declared anti-US countries. Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi arrived in […]

Principally Democratic!

Since becoming the Prime Minister of India in 2014, Narendra Modi has never attended a press conference in his country. However, he took part in a joint media conference with […]

Mountains In The ‘Interior’

It is a huge mountain, four-five times taller than Mount Everest! Scientists at Arizona State University recently found such huge mountain ranges near the Earth’s core. They have claimed that […]

Owls In Correction Of Foul-Play

Believe it or not! Owls are protecting the farming lands in Cyprus, and this rare event has been trending on social media for a few days. Once, rats used to […]

Beijing Bridging The ‘Gulf’

The US apparently maintains cordial ties with the countries in West Asia, with few exceptions. The dominance of the US in the oil fields, there, is an open secret. However, […]